Pre-Employment Readiness
Resume/Cover Letter Writing
Career Exploration
Adult Education
Skills Development
Education Supports
On the Job Training
Program Navigation
Employment Insurance Support
Labour Market Information
Self – Employment Initiatives

Here to Help…
In 1995, Algonquin Nation Human Resources & Sustainable Development Corporation (ANHRSD Corp.) was originally mandated to provided Training and Employment programs under the Regional Bilateral Agreement (RBA) which was in effect until 1998.
In 1996 the Quebec First Nations and Human Resources Development Canada signed a new type of agreement, the Regional Bilateral Agreement (RBA), with the specific goal of transferring to the First Nations authorities’ full jurisdiction over the training and development of the aboriginal workforce.
For the purposes of this new agreement, the Quebec First Nations changed the association formula established under the Pathways to Success strategy. HRDC, Quebec division, then proceeded with the signing of four RBAs in Quebec:
- One RBA with the Inuit nation
- One RBA with the Cree nation
- One RBA with the Algonquin communities of Barrier Lake, Wolf Lake and Temiskaming
- One RBA with 30 First Nations communities under the umbrella of the AFNQL
- The Inuit, Cree and Algonquin nations created their own operational structure.
In 1999 Algonquin Nation Human Resources & Sustainable Development Corporation (ANHRSD Corp.)became an Aboriginal Human Resources and Development Agreement (AHRDA) holder with the mandate from its Board of Directors to act as an agent for the delivery of human resource development programs to its member First Nation communities, to promote capacity building within its member communities by providing employment and training programs and economic development programs appropriate to the need of the member First Nations, to promote sustainable development within the traditional territory of the member First Nations.

Direct Partnership
Currently, Algonquin Nation Human Resources & Sustainable Development Corporation (ANHRSD Corp.) is in the midst of implementing the newest strategy from Service Canada (HRDC) as a direct partner.
Through ANHRSD’s Indigenous Skills and Employment (ISET) agreement with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) we are able to provide supports such as tuition, living allowance, childcare, job starts and other resources that can help our membership reach their employment and skills training goals.
Next Steps…
Contact us to see how we can help you achieve your employment and training goals