Our Approach
Algonquin Nation Human Resources & Sustainable Development Corporation (AN-HRSD) exists to assist its member community, Timiskaming First Nation (TFN) with the promotion of capacity building within the community by providing employment, training programs and economic development programs appropriate to the needs of the First Nation and to promote sustainable development within the traditional territory of the First Nation.
Our Clients
AN-HRSD clients can be categorized into three different groups;
First and foremost are our Community members. These individuals are registered to Timiskaming First Nation and are generally between the ages of 16 to 65, they live within the TFN community or within the TFN Territory. The majority of clients are unemployed or under-employed and are seeking assistance to either increase their employability in order to enter the job market or increase skills to achieve greater success in their current employment. Clients may also be seeking re-training to enter a new field of employment.
Other individual clients include Indigenous people registered with other communities and non-Indigenous people who are English speaking and live either within the community or in very close proximity. While our services to this clientele is limited, we do strive to ensure we help with pre-employment readiness and refer them to other resources that are more appropriate for their situation. Lastly, but still of high importance, is our partners. Partners are companies or organizations with which we have agreements to offer our clients employment, training or “on the job” training. Partners may be located within the TFN community, within the TFN Territory and possibly further depending on the need of our Clients.
Meet the Team
We are a well rounded staff with diverse backgrounds. Our main goal is to provide our clients and partners with tailored one-on-one services to meet thier needs.
Julia Polson
Include a short bio with an interesting fact about the person.
Lorri Hamelin
Employment Counsellor
Include a short bio with an interesting fact about the person.
Brent Reid
Financial Administrator
Include a short bio with an interesting fact about the person.
Lisa Shlachetka
Data Entry Clerk
Include a short bio with an interesting fact about the person.
Nadine Gaudaur
Marketing Coordinator
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Nadine is a Timiskaming member and lived in the community for the last 15 years. A graduate of Cambrian College Advertising program, Nadine brings training and experince to the team.